Personal contact is the most important, and SuperOffice helps us to achieve this

The Challenge
Friesland Lease is a prominent, brand-independent car lease company in the North of the Netherlands.
Friesland Lease also sets itself apart through its personal contact and years of experience with automobile leasing. “It is mei sizzen net te dwaan.” “Less talk, more action,” is what this company motto means in Frisian, the local language, for Friesland Lease, a rapidly-growing automobile lease company. With some 5000 passenger and commercial vehicles under its own management, it may definitely no longer be considered a minor player. In spite of this growth, it continues to maintain close contact with its customers.
Whether they are located in the area or not: personal contact is the most important at Friesland Lease. In the spring of 2008, we decided to go with SuperOffice. We drew up a list of requirements, and on this basis, looked into several suppliers. Initially, there did not appear to be any major differences between the packages. The deciding factor for us was that the supplier of SuperOffice, All-CRM, had experience with the link to our specific back-office system, Flipse Automatisering, which meant that this link could be made without any problems, quickly and economically.
Schedule planning, meeting reports, e-mails, overviews: everything is linked and can be found and accessed easily.
The Solution
Over the last four years, our number of lease contracts has doubled, and still no end to this growth is in sight.
A lot of the information that our staff used to have ‘stored’ in their heads may now be accessed via SuperOffice, and in a situation involving rapid growth, this is no unnecessary luxury. It is now a lot easier for our staff to share information with one another, enabling us to maintain the personal approach that is so vital to our customers, and with very little effort. By taking advantage of everything SuperOffice has to offer, this has become a great deal easier for us. In addition, we can now gain insight into the relationships between the clients, and between the various clients and suppliers. This was an important argument in the decision to choose this package as well. All it takes now is a press of the button to see all of the important information, at a single glance.
The Results
The entire implementation process went very smoothly.
All-CRM did a great job supervising the process, special areas of interest were dealt with quickly, and we were always given prompt and adequate answers to our questions. The transition to SuperOffice was an obvious choice, and after an in-house training programme for about 30 users, also provided and supervised by All-CRM, we realised that the degree of user-friendliness was unusually high. Nearly all of the users were able to start using the software immediately. One extremely convenient feature is that all of the emails from a particular client are saved with that client’s record, and not in the e-mail accounts of each of the individual employees. This keeps everything well-organised, and makes it a lot faster to work with.
- Organisation-wide insight into client information
- Relationships between clients and suppliers made transparent
- Availability of link to back-office system
- User-friendly software means quick acceptance by staff