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The Super Seven – Top Sales, Marketing and Customer Service Posts in September

What a great month September has been!

We’ve been kept busy with the launch of our CRM software free trial but, we’ve also been busy reading some great content that was published on the web.

There was so much great content published and we’ve rounded up some of our favorite blog posts in sales, marketing and customer service that were published in September.

This months’ Super Seven Round up features content published on HubSpot, INC and Content Marketing Institute.


How People Buy: The Evolution of Consumer Purchasing [Infographic]

As a marketing or sales professional, understanding where prospects and customers get their information from before making a purchase decision is crucial. Decision making has changed in the last century and HubSpot’s Erik Devaney has created an infographic to shed some light on how it has changed over the years.

Written by Erik Devaney @bardofboston

6 Sales Habits Salespeople Should Eliminate Quickly

We all have areas that need improving, both personally and professionally.

Habits have a way of sticking to us over time and it can be a challenge to change them. But don't let these habits keep from you developing into a better sales person. Barrett Riddleberger lists six sales habits that you need to eliminate, and includes ideas on how to break away from unproductive patterns.

Written by Barrett Riddleberger @riddleberger

Biggest Sales Meeting Mistakes

If you work in sales, you relish the competition of your colleagues and for many companies, there's one event that happens each year that brings all your sales teams together; the annual sales meeting.

Everyone wants this meeting to be a success but that's not always the case. Steve W Martin shares his experience with several ways he has seen companies sabotage their one and only annual sales meeting.

Written by Steve W Martin @stevewmartin1


7 Signs Your B2B Content Marketing Is Doomed to Fail

It can be tough to create content about small niches that not too many people care about and it's even tougher to write about things that very few people on earth understand. But, it doesn't have to be this way. Many B2B marketers' are in a content creation rut and cling to best practices.

Neil Patel provides 7 signs that your B2B content marketing is doomed to fail.

Written by Neil Patel @neilpatel

5 Keys to a Great Small Business Marketing Strategy

Many businesses are caught up in day to day operations and execution that they forget to take the time to work on the decisions that will improve the performance of their tactics.

There are many things to consider when creating a successful strategy, but there are five key decisions that have helped thousands of small businesses grow their sales. Greg Head explains the keys to a great small business marketing strategy.

Written by Greg Head @GregHeadAZ

Do Not Reply to This Email

In the age when most companies are actively trying to engage customers in social media, why do so many marketers' still send emails from a do-not-reply email address?

The purpose of sending an email campaign is to generate a response. However, there are exceptions. Jeanne Jennings provides you with six ways to make your “do not reply to this email” email campaigns more user-friendly.

Written by Jeanne Jennings @jeajen

Customer service

Growing Your Business with Service Recovery

It's impossible to have a perfect record when it comes to delivering great service. You cannot please every customer and your business will receive complaints from customers. With social networking and viral videos, bad news travels fast and one angry customer can ruin your herd earned reputation quickly.

Ron Kaufman gives you six tips to help you get your recovery policy and practices ready.

Written by Ron Kaufman @RonKaufman


We hope you have enjoyed this monthly round up of sales, marketing and customer service blog posts.

Use these tips to help your sales team remove the sales habits that are holding them back, to help your marketing team create more engaging content for your readers and for your customer service team to help grow your business through complaint handling and service recovery.

I know we weren’t able to round up all of the blog posts that were published in September. If you read something that you think we would like to read, feel free to share it below.

What did you enjoy reading most in September?

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