Improved communication and sales with SuperOffice

The Challenge
Atelier Michel Koene is specialized in providing custom facilities for the mentally disabled, psycho geriatric care, medical childcare and (child-) hospitals.
We also offer our products to private customers and we guarantee affordable custom facilities and service. Atelier Michel Koene produces and provides products and services in the range of custom furniture, movement games and outdoor materials. In recent years Atelier Michel Koene has experienced a substantial growth. Before it was a natural process for employees to be informed about all the communication that was going on between customers and employees, but now, due to the growth and professional development, it has become impossible to keep track of all of the communication. Different employees were working on the same customer, there was no overview of who handled what customer and there was no system of keeping track the communication. The result was that employees were often ‘surprised’ by the fact that a co-worker was also working on the same project without the other one knowing about it. A lot of work was done twice and led to miscommunication in the organization.
SuperOffice really makes the difference in the communication and service to our customers and we benefit from this every day.
The Solution
SuperOffice is used by purchasing, sales and management, but also financial and assembly.
All communication about customers and relations is recorded in the system and is easily found in the contact history. There is also an agenda feature which we use for planning activities. The sales department uses sales information for further cross- and upsell activities. With the press of a button the management will see if the sales targets are achieved and can also adjust them if needed. To send mailings or look for specific groups SuperOffice provides a selections feature, which will make sure you have overview and reports on all sorts of activities. There is a link with the ERP system Eurofin, which makes it possible to see exactly what the installed base is at your customers.
The Results
At this moment it is not possible to calculate the effect of SuperOffice in euros. We started at the end of October 2012 and we are still discovering new possibilities within the system. Nowadays SuperOffice really is our guideline for sales and communicates with our customers. We try to stimulate this awareness with our employees as well. SuperOffice really makes the difference in the communication and service to our customers and we benefit from this every day.
- Strongly improved communication with customers
- Control over the sales activities with simple reports
- Initiate marketing actions fast with target group segmentation
- One overview of the customer information with the link to the ERP system