20% greater efficiency with SuperOffice CRM

Henk Duijst Manager Customer Service

The Challenge

Imeko Dairy Products BV markets a full range of reliable, pure consumer dairy products under registered trademarks.

These products are produced in hygienic, modern facilities with fresh milk from cows from Northwestern Europe. Since its foundation in 1964, Imeko has grown steadily and now has many years of experience in the dairy-food business.With its network of distributors and outlets expanding every year, Imeko is able to provide worldwide support to both new and existing distributors of branded products. Imeko has relatively few customers because they work with exclusive distributors in each country. All their distributor and supplier information used to be stored in a card-index box. It was a real warren for less up to date or new staff to find their way around it. Customer details were recorded in Excel spreadsheets, which Imeko used to manage its customer relationships.

With SuperOffice we can offer our customers the best possible service and easily build long term relationships with our customers.

Henk Duijst

The Solution

This was 10 years ago, but in the meantime, opting to use SuperOffice optimised Imeko’s information services in a flash.

All the information is available in a central location and all business processes have since been streamlined with SuperOffice. A new project is created for each order, which ensures that the entire order process, along with all communication and activities, is available at a glance. Should one colleague be off sick or on holiday, another can simply take over their work. Imeko uses SuperOffice as an operational tool and it is so efficient that now the staff could not live without it.

The Results

Imeko recently acquired a company in Germany. The European character of SuperOffice makes it easy to scale it up to serve multiple locations.

SuperOffice is very user-friendly and new users will find their way around it very quickly. As a company, you need to move with the times to stay ahead of the competition. “With SuperOffice we can offer our customers the best possible service and easily build longterm relationships with our customers”, said Henk Duijst.

  • Complete, consistent customer profile
  • Greater transparency within the company
  • Streamlined order process
  • 20% more efficient