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Marketing is Digital!

As I sit here contemplating my next blog post, I let my eyes wander the internet, and it strikes me; My, oh my, how marketing has changed over the last few years…

Where companies just a decade ago spent big bucks on magazine ads, trade shows, mass mailings, billboards and hard copy handouts, todays marketing is primarily related to search engines, blogs, social media and permission based mailings.

old marketing vs new marketing SuperOffice

The fact is that the challenges of marketing remains the same, it’s the tools and methods that has changed.

Not strange when you think about it; just consider how we as consumers have changed our buying behavior over the last few years. According to the 2013 Cisco Study, digital content from the Internet is the most powerful influence in buying decisions for the majority of shoppers in all channels. The study reveals that as much as 78% of all shoppers use internet to purchase and research products and services!

Where before the marketing and sales departments controlled the buying process,  it’s the buyers themselves that are in the driving seat today.

Digital marketing SuperOffice

The conclusion is that in 2013, Marketing is Digital!  And whether you like it or not, you need to get with the program…

In the B2B market it takes on average 27 “encounters” from the first contact until the sale is closed. If each of these encounters are personal meetings, you end up with a very expensive sales process. Newsletters, blog’s, banners and social media presence help you become more efficient and cost effective in your marketing. The same applies to social selling!

As always, reward comes to those who master the new conditions first. There’s no time to lose!

For some smart start up tips and ideas; check out these blogs:

SuperOffice Blog: eMail Marketing 12-step Checklist

SuperOffice Blog: Measure the effectiveness of eMail Marketing

WealthMagnate: Internet Marketing to do list for 2013

Cisco Study: Eight Out of 10 Consumers Shop Online

Forbes: It's Not Brain Surgery: 4 Tips on Social Media

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